Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CHI - Turning the Tables

Turning the Tables: An Interactive Surface for VJing
By Stuart Taylor, Shahram Izadi, David Kirk, Richard Harper, and Armando Garcia-Mendoza (Microsoft Research Cambridge)


The article discusses how to improve interaction and simplify the software interface for VJing performances. VJing is a live video performance art that is the entertainment background for night clubs and music events. The researchers studied how the implementation of multi-touch interaction tabletops could improve the ease of use and interaction for the Video Jockey (VJ).

In order to improve usability, the researchers created VPlay, as a tool to create the live video performance but with a simplified interface and controls. It treats the objects as connected in graph form and they can be dragged together to form a larger system. Multiple graphs can be created concurrently and then displayed to the audience. Lastly, the interface supports a new user the ability to quickly start arranging videos, while still maintaining sufficient complexity for the expert user. Lastly, VPlay was brought to a nightclub setting for an observation of how the VJ and the audience responded to the system. Due to the multi-touch capabilities, the VJ's were able to collaborate and compose several video pieces. Additionally, the interface gained interest from the audience members and they were able to interact with the art process.


Interactive tables are a versatile technology that seems to improve all forms of interaction. In this case, it aids in the creation of live video art. I find this work interesting and it sparks my curiousity. It seems that by a properly designed interface, it can reach a broader audience and does promote quick understanding. This type of art brings a new twist to dee-jaying.

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