Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Inmates are Running the Asylum - Part 1 (Ch. 1-7)

The Inmates are Running the Asylum: Why High Tech Products are Driving Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity

By Alan Cooper

Comments: Nate Brown


Alan Cooper's, The Inmates are Running the Asylum, illustrates the widening gap between well designed software and well designed interactive software products. First, Cooper gives examples of how typical daily objects have become computers, such as the camera, alarm clocks, automobiles, and the bank ATM. It admits to the frustration of use and how too many features cloud the user's ability to interact correctly. However, Coopers says, " (t)he key to solving the problem is interaction design before programming." (16) This statement truly sets the tone for the remaining chapters.

Next, the term "cognitive friction" is defined as a person's intellectual struggle with a complex set of rules that varies alongside changes in the problem. Operating systems and the internet are all examples of cognitive friction for the user. Cooper specifies that three needs must be met for quality interaction: conceptual, behavioral, and interface.

Furthermore, he states that a programmer's goal is not necessarily a user's goal. Here in lies the problem, the software engineer measures function and features as the product's worthiness, but if the user can actually use these features is not being considered. This development process is supported by the business managers lack of clear descriptions and unreasonable set of deadlines. Cooper argues that if business managers would improve product design it could reduce tech support spending and improve customer loyalty. Lastly, Cooper sympathizes with software engineers by relating his own experience. He points out that the psychological mindset of both the engineer and the user must be evaluated in order to improve software design for all parties.


After reading the first and second chapter, I was frustrated with the complaints about software design and completely disagreed that we, the future inmates, were incapable of developing user-friendly products. However, after further reading, Cooper finally persuaded me into hearing his thoughts on the role of software engineers to aid the user in improving interaction. Thus, I agree with Cooper that we are given this great toolset of how to engineer and solve problems, but we are not implementing the best method of interaction for the average user. This books clearly fits into this class' scope and brings the needed attention to understanding how humans interact with technology. I feel this point was clearly stated by Cooper, "...there is a tremendous difference between designing for function and designing for humans." (90)

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